From the Pastor’s Desk: The Fullness of Time

Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, The Advent season is a time to think in a special way about the miracle of miracles … the Incarnation.  The word becoming flesh – the infinite becoming finite – God taking to himself human nature.  The most important event in history was the ‘advent’ – the coming of God into the world.  May we …

In Defense of Modern Moms

Dr. David Murray with some insightful thoughts:

The Mathematics of Forgiveness

Dr, Russell Moore with some excellent thoughts on forgiveness:

Rethinking Evangelism

Some excellent thoughts by Dr. Own Strachan on evangelism:

Willian Still on Thankfulness

Let us not leave out thankful hearts at the door after the holiday is over; but may we carry a spirit of thanksgiving with us this next year!  Do we not have so much to be thankful for … Dr. VanDoodewaard with an excellent quote by the great 20th c. Scottish minister, William Still, on thanksgiving:

From the Pastor’s Desk: Thanksgiving

Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, Do we not have so much to be thankful for this year.  Another year of God’s undeserved love and mercy; a sweet fellowship of believers, daily provision, and on and on.  I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving season.  I know you will enjoy hearing the word from Rev. Jonathan Leach this Lord’s Day.  Rev. …

Sin and Grace

A great view of sin leads to a great view of the Savior.  David Murray with some good thoughts:

From the Pastor’s Desk: Out of the Whirlwind

Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, Blessings through the Lord Jesus Christ!  As we considered last week, our Savior is a sovereign savior.  And in his perfect wisdom, he has chosen to work through imperfect people like you and me.  May that encourage us this week … that our weakness is made perfect in his strength!  May we rest in the grace …

Lloyd-Jones, the Bible, and Facebook

Rebecca VanDoodewaard with some wise and convicting thoughts:

The Benefits of being a Christian!

Dr. William VanDoodewaard with part 2 of his excellent answer: Part 1 to his answer can be found here: