From the Pastor’s Desk: The Fullness of Time

Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters,

The Advent season is a time to think in a special way about the miracle of miracles … the Incarnation.  The word becoming flesh – the infinite becoming finite – God taking to himself human nature.  The most important event in history was the ‘advent’ – the coming of God into the world.  May we all spend time reflecting on the glorious coming of the King of Kings.

To help us focus on Christ this season, below is a reflection on Gal 4:4-5.

We look forward to coming back to Houston soon and to celebrating this wonderful time of year with our brothers and sisters at CSOPC.

From the Pastor’s Desk

Mid-week Devotional

The Fullness of Time”

Galatians 4:4-5, “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”

As Christmas is just around the corner, these words from the apostle Paul provide several points of truth regarding the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  First, Jesus came “in the fullness of time.”  In other words, Jesus’ coming was not mere happenstance; it was not an off the cuff action; but rather Christ’s incarnation occurred at the perfect, God-ordained moment in history.  Also in this vein, Christ’s incarnation was according to Old Testament prophesy.  Thus we can say that Jesus’ coming into this world was ‘according to plan;’ a plan agreed to by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in eternity past. 

Second, Jesus came “to redeem those who were under the law.”  The Son of God came to this earth – became incarnate (cf. John 1:14) – to set his people free.  He came on a rescue mission – to rescue us from our slavery to sin (cf. Titus 2:14).  He came to set free those who are “under the law.”  And who is that?  Who is ‘under the law?’ You and me.  Everyone born into this world is born under the law (Gal 3:10; Rom 8:2-3).  And God’s law demands perfect obedience … and we all fall short each and every day.  Not one of us can work or earn our way to heaven by doing good things; in a sense the law is a great burden weighing us down to the point of death.  Therefore, we are in desperate need of a savior, a redeemer.  And praise be to the Lord that Jesus came to save sinners – to redeem lost, hopeless, and hell-bound souls!

And finally, we have been redeemed “so that we might receive adoption as son.”  This is the glorious truth of adoption.  Believers are those who have been adopted into the very family of God.  Jesus did not save us to simply leave us as we were; but rather we are saved and adopted into the family of God; and thus will begin to take on a ‘family resemblance.’  Oh that people would see something of the love of Christ when they see us!  Salvation is not the end, but is rather the beginning.  Jesus came to this earth some 2000 years ago as our savior and redeemer – he came to deliver us from our slavery to sin, to bring us into the family of God, and to shape us into the image of Christ. 

One could say that God’s purposes for the baby in the manger stretch from eternity to eternity.  From eternity past, God planned to save a people for himself …  this plan reached its climax in the birth, life, and death of Jesus Christ … and God’s people will be praising Him unto eternity future.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).

God bless,