“Remember, the Lord will not hear you, because of the arithmetic of your prayers; he does not count their numbers.
He will not hear you because of the rhetoric of your prayers; he does not care for the eloquent language in which they are conveyed.
He will not listen to you because of the geometry of your prayers; he does not compute them by their length, or by their width.
He will not regard you because of the music of your prayers; he does not care for sweet voices, nor for harmonious periods.
Neither will he look at you because of the logic of your prayers; because they are well arranged and compartmentalized.
But he will hear you, and he will measure the amount of the blessing he will give you, according to the divinity of your prayers. If you can plead the person of Christ, and if the Holy Spirit inspires you with zeal and earnestness, the blessings which you shall ask, will surely come to you.”