While last Sunday we held services next door at Aragon Middle School, we now return to our regular worship location and hours. Please keep an eye on the website as we hope to make an announcement within the next month regarding our moving date into our permanent new facility.
Our Sunday School class at 10:00am will be on Helping other Christians with Biblical Hospitality
The sermon will be on the topic of spiritual gifts. We will be answering questions such as “How do I know my spiritual gift? How do I use it? What about supernatural gifts mentioned in the New Testament?”
Parents, this Sunday look for children’s sermon notes on the back table.
The Hymns will be:
# 660 “O God, Beyond All Praising”
# 461 “Not What My Hands Have Done”
# 335 “Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me”
# 94 “How Firm a Foundation”