From the Pastor’s Desk (Jan 10, 2018)

Dear CSOPC brothers and sisters,
2018 is now in full swing.  Back to work.  Back to school.  Back to the routine of life.  There is one ‘routine’ however, that is life-giving.  That, of course, is the ‘routine’ of gathering with the people of God to feed on his word and commune with our Redeemer in worship.  Week after week, month after month, year after year, generation after generation, God’s people have been gathering for worship.  When we meet with our King each Lord’s Day, we are receiving but a faint glimpse of what awaits us in glory.  Throughout Scripture God’s people meet with him on the mountain (think Mt. Sinai and the Mt. of Transfiguration) – thus as we gather for worship we are being summoned to the mountain to enjoy special fellowship and communion with our risen and exalted Savior (Heb 12:22-24).  What a joy!  What a privilege!  May gathering week after week continue to be the heartbeat of our local church as we move into a new year!
Next Sunday, 1/21, we will dive back into our sermon series in Acts.  This Sunday, however, we will be looking at a Psalm that I often turn to each January, Psalm 90.  In this Psalm, Moses ask the Lord for wisdom to properly number his days, for grace to establish the work of his hands, and for mercy that Moses would be satisfied each day with God’s steadfast love.  What a wonderful prayer with which to begin a new year.
Also be on the lookout for information regarding upcoming men’s and women’s studies and gatherings, retreats, etc.
Have a blessed rest of the week and I look forward to seeing and to worshiping with all of you this Lord’s Day!
Pastor Robert
Here are a few articles for your edification and encouragement: