Dear CSOPC brothers and sisters,
We are looking forward to our retreat this weekend. Those of you unable to make it, we will miss you and will keep you in our prayers. May we pray for the Lord’s blessings on our time together at Trinity Pines. We will be spending some devotional time considering the important topic of prayer. How should we pray? Why should we pray? For what should we pray? What does God’s word teach us about prayer? These are some of the questions we will be thinking about over the weekend. In lieu of a devotion this week, I would encourage you to read and to listen to the links below.
Here is a link to a short article on John Calvin’s ‘4 rules of prayer’:
Here is a short summary of Calvin’s teaching on prayer:
And lastly, here is an excellent devotion from Sinclair Ferguson on ‘the prayer of faith’:
Remember there is no Bible study tonight.
And men, keep the date, May 13th, open for our men’s retreat.
God’s blessings to all of you in Christ!