Welcome and Announcements
Scripture Meditation “I have love you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.”
The Lord Calls Us to Worship
* Salutation
* Call to Worship
* Prayer of Invocation
Our Response to the Lord’s Call
* Hymn of Praise #295 “Crown Him with Many Crowns”
Profession of Faith WCF 1.9, TH, p. 849
Confession of Sin
Assurance of Pardon
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Deacon’s Offering
* Hymn of Preparation #528 “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”
Congregational Prayer
Collection of Offerings
* Doxology
The Lord Feeds Us from His Word
Scripture Reading
Ministry of the Word “Christ Arose, Therefore Be Steadfast”
Lord’s Supper
We are Dismissed with the Lord’s Blessing
* Hymn of Response #246 “Man of Sorrows! What a Name”
* Benediction
* “Threefold Amen”