Cornerstone Ministry Programs
Children's Ministry
Our children benefit from rich doctrinal Sunday School classes in addition to a loving nursery staff. The Word is taught, our children pray and sing songs, and crafts and snacks are provided.
Women's Ministry
Our weekly Women's Bible Study meets Monday evenings at the home of one of our mothers. Monthly Ladies Mugs & Muffins fellowship brunches are also a joyful, social experience.
Men's Ministry
In addition to officer training courses, which are open for all to attend, the men of our church enjoy monthly fellowship brunches at The Egg & I.
Book Table
Our Book Table is located in the back of the sanctuary. There you'll find many wonderful reads on Christian life, faith, and growth. We also feature magazines and other reading materials about the various ministries of the OPC.
Music Ministry
Our developing music ministry includes special offertory music on Sundays, and will soon include music programs for both adults and children.