From the Pastor’s Desk: Raised with Christ

Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, I pray you are resting in God’s grace and provision in Christ this week.  If you are like me, the truth from the Parable of the Sower that we looked at last week convicted our hearts.  May we ask the Lord to renew our love for his word; and may we read his word with …

The Bible and sexuality

Dr. Mike Kruger, president and professor of NT at RTS-Charlotte, has been reviewing and critiquing a recent History Channel special entitled, “Bible Secrets Revealed.”  The final episode of the special dealt with the Bible’s teaching on sexuality – an important topic in our sex-crazed society.  See Dr. Kruger’s excellent review here: for part 1 of Dr. Kruger’s review, see …

From the Pastor’s Desk: To Your Name Give Glory

Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, I pray this week finds you well.  I most certainly missed being with you last Lord’s Day, but look forward to seeing you and to worshipping with you all this week.  On Sunday, we will be diving head first back into the gospel of Mark, and will take some time to look at Jesus’ Parable …

Roe vs. Wade, 41 years later

The landmark decision of Roe vs. Wade was passed 41 years ago today.  Here are two brief and thoughtful articles on the issue from two professors at Westminster Theological Seminary: May we continue to pray that our nation would repent of this sin and that God would show us mercy.

Christians and Judging

Kevin DeYoung with some challenging wisdom on the idea of Christians and passing judgment:

From the Pastor’s Desk: Dagon vs the LORD

Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, How convicting and encouraging it has been to hear from our Lord’s servants on the mission field in the past several days.  Sam Folta shared his work in East Asia and, last night, David Okken shared about his ministry in Uganda.  May we commit as a church to praying for our OPC missionaries, for these …

Satan’s Devices

In the Scriptures we are called not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices.  Well, what is his chief device – or tactic – against the Christian?  Dr. Mike Kruger reminds us of the Puritan Thomas Brooks’ excellent thoughts:

Duck Dynasty … one more time

Much ink has been spilled over the recent Duck Dynasty issue.  But take a brief moment to read one more post from my friend and RTS Philosophy professor, Dr. James Anderson.  Perhaps an angle you had not previously considered:

Rest in Christ

Dr. Barry Waugh gives some valuable insight into Augustine’s classic work, “Confessions.”  As Augustine famously and rightly said, “God has made us for himself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.”  Augustine’s life exemplifies this truth!  You can find Dr. Waugh’s helpful thoughts on Augustine’s classic here: