Dr. David Murray with a simple illustration on understanding the Old Testament: http://headhearthand.org/blog/2014/02/25/a-simple-way-to-explain-the-old-testament-to-children/.
From the Pastor’s Desk: Your God Will Be My God
Dear Cornerstone bothers and sisters, As we have been considering the last few weeks in Mark, we serve a glorious, powerful, and merciful Savior. We serve a savior who calms the storms and seeks out the least of these in his mercy. Christ alone is worthy of our praise and worship. May we live each day ‘coram deo’ – before …
10 Facts on the NT Canon
Here is the follow up series by Dr. Kruger: “10 Facts about the NT canon every Christian Should Know.” http://michaeljkruger.com/the-complete-series-ten-basic-facts-about-the-nt-canon-that-every-christian-should-memorize/
10 Misconceptions about the NT Canon
Several months ago, Dr. Mike Kruger – Professor of New Testament at RTS in Charlotte and an expert in the early formation of the canon – wrote a series of posts on “10 Misconceptions about the NT Canon.” Due to the absolutely foundational and critical place of the Scriptures to the Christian faith, I wanted to repost the link to this …
From the Pastor’s Desk: Are You Fit?
Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, Indeed we serve and worship and are loved by the one who created the universe and calms the storms. As we discussed last Sunday, often Jesus leads us into the very storms we face … but also he is with us in the storms, teaches us through the storms; and ultimately he is sovereign over …
The Disappearance of Doctrine
William VanDoodewaard on the vital connection between what Christians believe (doctrine) and how they live (duty): http://thechristianpundit.org/2014/02/05/keeping-faith-steadfast/#more-5304
Ed Welch on the Prosperity Gospel
Dr. Ed Welch with some powerful words on the terrible movement known as the “Prosperity Gospel”: http://www.ccef.org/resources/blog/death-healthy-wealthy-and-happy.
How we Worship and How we Live
Dr. David Murray has some insightful thoughts on the relationship between ‘how we worship’ and ‘how we live.’ http://headhearthand.org/blog/2014/02/04/we-become-how-we-worship/
From the Pastor’s Desk: The Heart of the Matter
Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, Oh what manner of love the Father has given to us that we should be called children of God. And if we rest in Christ alone, we are children of God. We are children of the kingdom. This week, may we rest in the good and wise providence of God (as we discussed in Sunday …
Creation vs. Evolution
Dr. Albert Mohler with some clarifying thoughts on the Bill Nye and Ken Ham debate over the creation / origins question: http://www.albertmohler.com/2014/02/05/bill-nyes-reasonable-man-the-central-worldview-clash-of-the-ham-nye-debate/