Some excellent thoughts by Dr. Ferguson on an important topic:
From the Pastor’s Desk: The Great Exchange
Dear CSOPC brothers and sisters, The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:3 that every spiritual blessing belongs to the believer in Christ. That is to say, we are declared right with God in Christ. We have peace with God in Christ. We are forgiven in Christ. We are righteous in Christ. We have true and eternal life in Christ. …
Christian Friendship
May we strive to display the friendship of Christ to a world that knows so little of the real thing:
“I reject Christianity because …”
Dr. James Anderson helpfully answers four of the most common objections to the Christian faith:
From the Pastor’s Desk: Christian Kindness
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, What a wonderful example the Apostles’ give us as they take the gospel message to a lost, broken, and sinful world. God has commissioned his church with the task of ‘making disciples of all nations.’ And that commission includes you and me!! We have the privilege of participating in the glorious enterprise of …
Lessons from Medieval Errors
Lessons learned in the Reformation. Dr. Sinclair Ferguson with a thought-provoking article on what we still need to remember from the Reformation:
From the Pastor’s Desk: Gleaning and Grace
Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, I pray you are knowing the peace of being in Christ this week. As we considered Jesus’ rejection by his hometown of Nazareth last week, may we always keep in mind the ultimate rejection that Christ experienced for his children on the cross. He was made sin for us that we might be declared righteous …
Fishers of Men
Dr. David Murray on what it means to be a ‘fisher of men’:
Why Do you do what You Do?
Dr. William VanDoodewaard with an insightful quote on the motivation for doing good works in the Christian Life:
From the Pastor’s Desk: The Latter Glory
Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, Blessings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray the Lord is strengthening your faith this week – growing you and stretching you to cast your all upon him because he cares for you (1 Pet 5:7). In our study of Mark this week, we will shift gears a bit to consider the …