From The Pastor’s Desk: Suffering, Sin, and Bad Theology

Dear CSOPC family, What a blessing it has been to work through various Psalms these past few Lord’s Days.  I pray it has been a blessing to your soul as it has certainly been a blessing (and great conviction) to mine.  This week we will be considering Psalm 32 and the nature of repentance and forgiveness.  Psalms such as this …

Important thoughts on a Contemporary Debate

PCA pastor Todd Pruitt summarizes several points given by Dr. Derek Thomas on the doctrine of sanctification given in a recent address at the PCA General Assembly:  

Our Calvinism and Our Children

Dr. David Murray with some practical thoughts on not letting a distorted Calvinism affect our children’s most important questions:

Faith and Good Works

What is the relationship of faith to good works in the Christian life?  How we answer this question speaks to the difference between the true gospel and all false gospels!  Dr. Ligon Duncan, chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, gives a faithful and Biblical answer here:

Christian Courage

In this day of increasing secularism in the world and indifference in the church courage is needed by those who love the truth and the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ.  But what does such courage look like?  William VanDoodewaard cites Matthew Henry’s comments on the matter:

From the Pastor’s Desk: Groaning to God

Dear CSOPC family, What a blessed gift is the church.  Have you ever considered the gift of grace that is the fellowship of the saints.  And it is this fellowship and communion that we enjoy each Lord’s Day as we come together to hear the Word of God and to respond to our Lord in praise.  May we pray for …

Jesus as a big brother

Dr. David Murray with some interesting and practical thoughts concerning what we can learn from considering Jesus in his role as a brother.

The Danger of the Prosperity Gospel

“The problem with the prosperity gospel is not that it promises too much, but rather it promises too little.” So says Tim Challies in his excellent summary and critique of leading prosperity teacher Creflo Dollar.  See his article here:

From the Pastor’s Desk: Reversing the Curse

Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, As we considered last week in our study in Mark, the Lord Jesus Christ is a Savior filled with compassion.  In fact, his mercy perfectly meets our most desperate circumstances.  He is the friend of sinners, the shepherd of the sheep, and the compassionate high priest.  But also, as we will consider this week in …