Why only 4 gospels? What about the ‘Gospel of Thomas’?

Dr. Mike Kruger with an excellent lecture discussing the uniqueness of the four canonical gospels.  “Why these four?”  “Why not the Gospel of Thomas or the Gospel of Peter?”  Equip yourself to respond?  http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=62141247318.

From the Pastor’s Desk (7/9/2014)

Dear CSOPC brothers and sisters, It’s the middle of the week.  Perhaps you are already running low on energy.  Perhaps you are running low on spiritual energy as well?  If so, meditate on these words from the book of Lamentations: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,     for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; …

Church Growth

How does a church grow? Do we change the methods to suit our contemporary context?  The message?  Both?  Neither?  Dr. Ligon Duncan with an excellent article on this issue: http://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/ordinary-means-growth/.

“Tell it to the Church”

Jesus only explicitly mentions the church twice in the gospel accounts?  Is this significant?  What does he say about the church?  Terry Johnson with some insightful words: http://theaquilareport.com/jesus-and-the-church/.

Promises for Parents

Rev. Kevin DeYoung highlights ten beautiful, Biblical promises for parents: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevindeyoung/2014/07/01/10-promises-for-parents/.

Sermon from 29 June 2014 “The Two Ways”

Since we are having some site issues here for our sermon audio, here is a link to Pastor Arendale’s sermon on Psalm 1 from last Sunday, “The Two Ways.”  Once our issues are resolved the sermon will be in its usual place on the site.

Resting and Enjoying the Lord’s Day

Rev. David Filson with some challenging and needed words on the gift of rest on the Sabbath: http://www.christwardcollective.org/christward/recreation-on-the-day-of-re-creation#.U7MRDhUo6P8.

From the Pastor’s Desk: God’s Promises and God’s Patience

Dear Cornerstone brothers and sisters, What riches the psalms are for the people of God.  As we considered last week in Psalm 32, our God is the God who forgives.  When we confess our sin, the Lord forgives.  As Matthew Henry said, “God is far more willing to forgive than we are to repent.”  May we be a people and a …

Where are the Muslim Doctors?

Dr. James Anderson notes a powerful paragraph from the recent book, “Dispatches from the Front”:http://www.proginosko.com/2014/06/where-are-the-muslim-doctors-and-nurses/#more-1837.

Satan’s Desire

What is Satan’s goal?  Kevin DeYoung with some wise counsel: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevindeyoung/2014/06/19/satans-simple-plan/.