Dear CSOPC family, We want to thank you for your prayers this past week. A root from our giant (and beloved) oak tree in the back yard busted through the main sewer pipe running from the house. This of course, caused a massive back up and overflow. Thus, when we returned from our neighbors Sunday evening, we were greeted with standing …
Contemporary Catholicism
The Reformed Forum podcast recently had an excellent discussion with Dr. Gregg Allison on contemporary Catholic theology and practice. You can listen to the interview here:
No More Monday Blues
Dr. David Murray with a wonderful reflection on the love of God for his children:
Order of Worship for 12/14/2014
ORDER OF WORSHIP – 11:00 AM Welcome and Announcements Scripture Meditation “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting.” 1 Corinthians 15:54-55 The Lord Calls Us to Worship * Salutation 1 Corinthians 1:3 * Call to Worship Isaiah …
From the Pastor’s Desk (12/10/2014)
Dear CSOPC brothers and sisters, God’s providence is a wonderful and amazing truth. And as we considered in Sunday school last week, God was providentially at work preparing the way for the great rediscovery of the gospel in the period we know as the Reformation. The printing press, the Renaissance, a thunderstorm, a corrupt salesman … all used and ordained …
The Blessing of our ‘Seasoned Members’
We live in a youth obsessed culture in which churches, sadly, often cater to certain demographic groups, typically the young and hip. The Bible, however, takes a different approach. It looks upon believers in their senior years with a respect and joy rarely seen in the modern evangelical church. And why does the Bible do so?? Dr. David Murray with a helpful meditation on …
Did Adam and Eve know Jesus?
Rick Phillips with a wonderful meditation on Adam’s relationship to Christ:
From the Pastor’s Desk (12/3/2014)
Dear CSOPC brothers and sisters, With Thanksgiving behind us and the Christmas holiday in front of us – we are entering a very unique time of year. For all the joy that seems to be in the air, for many the Holidays are times of great stress, sadness, and hurt. What a time to draw near to our Lord who draws near …
Order of WOrship for 12/7/2014
ORDER OF WORSHIP – 11:00 AM Welcome and Announcements Scripture Meditation “This man receives sinners and ears with them.” Luke 15:2 The Lord Calls Us to Worship * Salutation 1 Corinthians 1:3 * Call to Worship Psalm 95:6-7 * Prayer of Invocation Our Response to the Lord’s …
From the Pastor’s Desk (11/26/2014)
Dear CSOPC brothers and sisters, “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” 1 Chron 16:34 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess 5:17-18 Be thankful this week for the gospel. Be …