Order of worship for 3/13/2016

Welcome and Announcements


Scripture Meditation    “The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary.  Morning by morning he awakens; he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.”

Isaiah 50:4



The Lord Calls Us to Worship


* Salutation                                                                   1 Corinthians 1:3

* Call to Worship                                                               Psalm 105:1-4

* Prayer of Invocation


Our Response to the Lord’s Call


* Hymn of Praise              #57 “Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah, O My Soul”

Confession of Faith                   The Heidelberg Catechism, Q & A 55

Silent Confession of Sin

Assurance of Pardon                                                     Psalm 103:8-15

Scripture Reading                                                           John 11:45-57

Reception of New Members                                     Ms. Laura Kilgore

* Hymn of Preparation                                   #100 “Holy, Holy, Holy!”

Congregational Prayer

Collection of Offerings

* Doxology                                                                                    # 731


The Lord Feeds Us from His Word


Scripture Reading                                               1 Corinthians 7:25-40

Ministry of the Word                           “Principles of Marriage, Part 3”



We are Dismissed with the Lord’s Blessing


* Hymn of Response        #457 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

* Benediction                                                         The Lord Blesses Us

* The Gloria Patri                                                                   TH, p. 735